Quote Originally Posted by big blue and hairy View Post
So...with that logic, I who plan my vacations ahead, will not be able to get an ADR, because you might want go at the spur of the moment. Not only is that not fair to people who plan ahead, it's bad business, you don't take a maybe when you have a yes.
I love ya BB&H, so don't take this personally, but ...........

You're a little off base here, I think. Admittedly, it might be my skewed perspective, but I don't think so.

First off, they're not passing up a maybe for a yes. They're passing up a maybe for another maybe. Just because someone makes an ADR is no guarantee they're going to use it. It's just a guarantee that Disney has to hold a table for them for 180 days. We both know that many people make ADR's they have no intention of keeping.

And what that does is, it discourages people who call last minute and are told there's no availability from walking up. If people cancel last minute (or more likely not at all), those will be tables that are unused.

For example, say I wander up to Chefs De France at 5:55PM and ask for table. They can't give me one because the McGuillicutty party has a reservation for four at 6PM. I go away disappointed and hungry and end up spending 10 bucks on a cheeseburger instead of 50 bucks on a big steak.

Meantime, the McGuillicutty party is sitting down eating at Liberty Tree Tavern because they ended up in MK today and that was where they made their MK reservation. They also have a reservation at Brown Derby and at Boma that they blew off in favor of LTT.

So guess what? Those ADR's meant exactly bubkes to Disney.

You sort of implied that we don't like current policy because it doesn't work in our favor, but I sort of get the idea that if they did it the way we suggest you'd take issue because it doesn't work in your favor (or vice versa, you're fine with the way it is now because it does work in your favor).

I guess what I'm saying is, we're all biased to one degree or another. Even so ... can't we all just get along!!?