Quote Originally Posted by MississippiDisneyFreak View Post
so if you rent from Gold mobility how does that work. How do you get your scooter? We drive so we don't know actually the exact time we will get there? Can they still meet us at the hotel? If so, how long after you arrive does it usually take them to arrive if you call them upon arrival? I don't want to be waiting hours for a scooter delivery. It will be easier to set up a pick up time when we leave of course, so not an issue there.
Gold Mobility texted me when I got on the bus (I'd given them my flight time), and when my ME bus got to the resort, I sat on the nearby bench and they arrived about 5 minutes later, and apologized for being late! For my return, I set up a time, which turned out to be about 15 minutes before I left for the airport. I find that meeting them is never a problem. Oh-the only "problem" I had last time was that some guy showed up out of nowhere and hung around, listening to everything we said. Turned out, he was a new employee in training and we all had a good laugh when I learned who he was.