Quote Originally Posted by garymacd View Post
This is a little off topic but still related to the bus issue. One of our best Disney memories was a few years back. Our daughter and son-in-law wanted to get married at Disney, but due to financial restraints and family not able or willing to make the trip, they decided on a group honeymoon after the wedding. We had a total of 23 people all staying at POFQ at one point.

One night after watching Illuminations we slowly made our way back to the bus stops. People of all ages sometimes take a while to move together. When we got to the bus stop, there was no one left at any other stop and only a few CM's left. When they saw our group they immediately called a bus for us. We were the only ones on the bus.

As usual, the driver turned on some music for the ride back. About half-way back Sonny and Cher's "I Got You, Babe" came on. Well, we all began to sing along. We were so loud (and bad) that the driver ended up muting the music during the choruses. We continued to sing the song until we reached POFQ and got off re-energised and ready to go for a few more hours. The driver had the biggest grin on his face I have ever seen. We must have made his night.

While I realise there are times when we have waited for buses, and loading issues, and no seats, and long lines, and the need to wait for the next bus, this will live in our memories for ever and wipe out any of the less-than memorable issues we have had.
This is such a cute story. I'm sure it is forever ingrained in everyone's memory.