No. When we used to go as a big group, everyone would split up and do their own thing. It was a lot easier that way. I really didn't want to be hauling 34 people around as one big group from one fastpass to another.
It is good to know that I don't have to make the same fastpass for the whole group. I figured the meet and greets were probably high priority for the ones with little kids but would be a wasted fastpass for the 20 somethings without kids.
DD's fiance's parents have asked to sit down and discuss the trip. I am not sure if it is the wedding they want to talk about or what, but I could probably take one of my old planning DVDs, have them watch it, and then discuss the fastpasses with them.
I spoke with my niece (brother's daughter) a bit last night and gave her the heads up about prebooking dinners and fastpasses. The surprise that came out of that conversation is her daughter will be turning 5 during the trip. Three little girls having birthdays to celebrate that week. It should be fun. My niece was already excited about getting her daughter into Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique. I may actually just designate her to take care of my brother's family's fastpass stuff. I told her I would walk her through the process. I'll still book their dinners though, since it will be easier to get us all together.
My younger sister and parents can be another meeting. Then I'll talk to my older sister and brother in law. I think the "meeting" can be doable if I break it down that way. I'll probably make everyone gets Seven Dwarves Mine Train though. I would imagine that it is still very popular.