Hey y'all! I'm going to be joining you in California with my family for this little shin dig! I'm all signed up for the 5k and am looking forward to it! DL does runDisney a little different than in WDW and I think it will be a nice change of pace!

Thanks Justin for laying out the color of the shirts for each day. I've got my pink shirt ready to go!

*** I just wanted to add, if anyone is coming to CHEER for all of us runners, I was going to suggest lining up along the fence they'll have going through the Esplanade between DCA and DL. I know that's how it is for the 5k, and although I haven't seen the course map for the 10k or half, I assume at some point the runners come through there as well. That is about the halfway point for the 5k runners. You can also lineup along the fences throughout Downtown Disney as the runners go by, but I like the Esplanade location better. The finish line can be a little crowded and they can be a bit particular about where you can stand as runners cross the finish so I wouldn't recommend that spot.

Anyway, as I say my husband Mike and our kids will be cheering so I wanted to nail down a spot so they can be with the rest of the Intercotees while I'm running.


I'll definitely be there for the pic at 4:30. We are staying off site on Harbour Blvd but I'll be sure to get to the group pic nice and early that day!