Ok here's my two cents. This is based off the extra ticket hours and the discussion I've seen in this forum. I see both sides of the argument.

1) It's all about how a person views the Disney Company.
-Some view Disney as this loyal, family-based company
-Some view it as a money machine only out to make profit
-I personally view it as both. I am a product of the 90's and I grew up loving Disney everything.

2) It's all about what a person views as expensive or inexpensive, and if it's worth it.
-Some believe the extra ticket is a lot of money, and some don't.
-Some feel the price you pay is worth it.
-Some feel that the event takes away from the guests who paid for a full price ticket admission.
-Again, I agree with both sides.

I think it is all about perspective and understanding where the other side is coming from. Sure, some wording could be changed, but I think overall people are frustrated with change. Disney families alike came to love Disney because of how well it catered to its guest, and some view the extra ticket option as anti-loyal. No matter the side, let's not forget that Disney brought us all here together