Luckily, I have had no recent negative experiences, but I feel like for a while there we always seemed to end up with the agent who thought that a TSA badge was equivalent to FBI. There was the agent who held my purse up above her head and announced to the entire line that I was having a bag check because I kept saying "I don't know" when she asked me 3x in an increasingly hostile tone whether or not I had scissors in my bag (turns out there was a small pair of cuticle scissors I had forgotten about). There was the agent who made my dad unpack everything in his carry-on to get to a "suspicious tool kit" in the bottom, which was just a headphone jack accessory kit.
My favorite one was right after they implemented the first round of body scanners, my whole party "opted out." The agent rolled his eyes as hard as possible and told us "There's nothing wrong with them, just go through." We said no, we'll take the pat down. Then he escorted my husband away from me despite the fact that I knew it was in my rights to keep a member of my traveling party with me. His reply? "Yeah, yeah- whatever." There are more, but these stand out. Since that last incident, though,(2010) I've actually encountered extraordinarily friendly agents.