Quote Originally Posted by NJDad View Post
Caught "About Time" on cable sometime last year and fell in love with it, saved it for about a year and showed it to the near 13 year old and wiped him out emotionally last night during the latest snow storm. And DW cried to the brink of dehydration. Lots of hugging here when it was over, not the usual reaction to the end credits.

Asked the family if I should delete it and they said NO!

Mr. Potter would call it 'sentimental hogwash' but it's kinda this millenium's "It's A Wonderful LIfe".

Kid was very upset with the mixed reviews we looked up. Many critics felt it was too similar to "Groundhog Day" as if movies haven't been stealing from each other from take 1. And the couple in this film fall in love first without any manipulations of the magic in the plot.

It is rated R, there's a fairly tame (pre/post) sex scene and one joke about sex that the parents laughed at but wished flew over the head of the tween. And whoever did its wikipedia page clearly didn't like it, noting that reviews were 69% positive but the negative review quotes outnumber the positive by about 2 to 1.

Was that the Rachel McAdam movie? If so, I saw it at the movie theater about 2 years ago and loved it. It was definitely a sleeper. I don't remember it being sad...but then again I am not an emotional person. I thought it was a sweet movie.