Quote Originally Posted by Polynesian Dweller View Post
I agree that there is some abuse there is of any program. But I doubt its that great. Besides, Disney has very limited options legally to try to identify who might be abusing. They really can't ask about the need for the scooter.

And for limiting the party to 2 plus the scooter user. Well, if you apply that rule only to scooter users that is in itself discriminatory and Disney can't legally be discriminatory. So the only way they could do that would be to limit all parties to a maximum of 3. So families of 4 or more would be broken into 2 or more parties. Of course, that wouldn't go over well, and it would lengthen lines at both ends with people waiting for their full party getting in the way of others both at origin and destination. It would be ugly.

All we can do is recognize that accommodation laws make the lives of those who need the accommodation much better and cause an inconvenience to the rest of us that really isn't that big in the grand scheme of things.
I agree its almost impossible to rid the abusers...and as is stated..I really pay no attention..It takes a lot for me to get upset...while on vacation!
But, it is something worth commentary. Its just not a WDW issue but a society as a whole issue concerning abuse of this or that.
But in any case...time for bed. Nice chat. After all, this is all about or love for WDW.