Quote Originally Posted by Melanie View Post
I remember back in the late 80s, early 90s when you couldn't even purchase a shot glass anywhere on property. I distinctly remember because my friend collected them, and we went to WDW for spring break every year, and she could never find any. I know it's not equivalent to this decision, but I remember being surprised when I saw them popping up various places.

I'm okay with this. Yes, I enjoy a good drink, and have no issue with having beer or wine available as part of a fine dining experience. But like many others, beer/wine carts and availability at QS restaurants just wouldn't seem right, and I do hope they don't go that direction.
I was very surprised on our last trip I saw shot glasses everywhere. Maybe I just never noticed them before. When I got home from vacation I was looking at the Disney Store on line and they had a lot of them there to but they call them toothpick holders. I know a shot glass when I see one Anyway I just thought it was interesting they didn't call them shot glasses.