1) Rented a sailboat or Water Sprite on Seven Seas Lagoon? No

2) Stayed at the Contemporary or Polynesian when it was *under* $100 a night? No

3) Tent-camped at Ft. Wilderness (RV- or cabin-"camping" doesn't count )? No

4) Visited the Tri-Circle-D ranch at Ft. Wilderness or the petting zoo? YES
5) Visited River Country when it was open? YES

6) Laughed at the Comedy Warehouse? No

7) Danced the night away at Mannequin's? No

8) Sang along with the Dueling Pianos at Jelly Roll's? No

9) Visited Walt Disney's Carolwood Pacific at the Carolwood room at Wilderness Lodge Villas? No

10) Participated in a "show stop" parade like "Remember the Magic" or "Share a Dream Come True"? No
