Quote Originally Posted by BraddyB View Post
Nah not really, life goes on here in Pittsburgh. We have recently won Superbowls, Stanley Cups, and took two out of 3 games against the Phillies
The old fallback, we won in the past, blah, blah, blah......yawn.
The Pens lost this season, thats all that matters right now. But if you wanna keep reminiscing about the past to help you sleep at night, you go right ahead.
Hey, I won a dek hockey championship when I was 10 and everytime the Flyers lose, I think of that and feel all warm inside.

BTW, I am not a Phillies fan. I am a Red Sox fan. The Sox won a couple WS rings in the recent past.
But they aren't winning it this year, so those past titles don't mean squat to me this season.