Quote Originally Posted by DizneyFreak2002 View Post
I'm a DVC member too and I'd HATE HATE HATE DVC attached to World Showcase... Now, if they wanted to build DVC by Epcot, then I'd be OK with that... But to attach it to the park??? I dunno... IF, and again, it is IF, they are really planning to do something like that, they have to do it right... And I do not trust them to do it right...
Not that DL and WDW are the same place by any means, but from all I've heard the VGC are awesome and very nicely integrated with DCA.

Personally, I think it would be incredible to have a resort like that in WDW. That's one of the things I love about DL vs. WDW. Everything is so close and intimate feeling at DL. If they could recreate that feeling a bit by integrating resorts with the parks that works for me.