Quote Originally Posted by TheVBs View Post
That's quite an unfortunate point of view. Not only is it fantastic that they make this a part of their parks, they do it incredibly well. They do it so well in fact that apparently they are consulted by other companies on how to do it. How in the world can that be a bad thing?
It is unfortunate. It's unfortunate that Disney doesn't 100% stand by their message of environmentality. Look, I am not saying they don't make an effort. I'm fully aware of their efforts, but it's half-baked at best, and the message that they try to put out, specifically at AK, isn't something that is embraced company wide, and that's why I have a problem with it. Don't tell me that all that junk plastic "made in China" merchandise that they hock is biodegradable, and made from renewable resources, in environmentally friendly factories...

Now, onto the topic of this particular land addition, here they go again with the "living in harmony with nature" line:

Copied from the Disney Parks Blog "Q&A session", regarding the THEME:

Disney’s Animal Kingdom is the perfect place for our first AVATAR land because at its core, the park gives guests the opportunity to experience the worlds of animals and nature – real and mythical – in whole new ways. With AVATAR, we’ve found the perfect opportunity to let our guests explore one of the most compelling mythical worlds ever conceived. Animal Kingdom also celebrates adventure, living in harmony with nature and environmental stewardship – themes that are deeply rooted in the story of AVATAR.

Notice how it's DISNEY calling Pandora a "mythical world." It's NOT mythical. It's imagined, fictional. There is a huge difference. They are trying to make AVATAR fit where it's obvious that it doesn't. It's a stretch and they know it.

Damage control is right. Just spew out the line: "new adventures that will delight and thrill our guests", and hope the naysayers go away, seems to be the M.O. these days.

There is nothing wrong with people/fans being critical. It forces companies to think, and fully question the decisions they make. I'm critical of their choice to put this in AK.

And, I'm sure my kids aren't the only ones who have no clue what AVATAR even is. The mass family wide appeal is just lacking on this one.