Quote Originally Posted by Buttercup View Post
Okay here's another question.
Let's say that my husband is up getting the food, and me and my kids are waiting outside like good citizens of WDW...
But the baby is crying and needs to be fed. Am I not allowed to sit down at a table and feed her baby food while my husband is getting us our food?
This is just one example of a rational mom wanting to do a simple completly rational thing.
Mom feeds the little one while Dad gets the food. When he gets back she eats.

I too do not want this thread to degenerate into sarcastic rants or smug blow-offs like, “It’s in effect so deal with it.”

If everyone who visited WDW did everything the same way at the same time the whole place would break down. The place works because 8am has one family at the rope drop at today’s early EMH park ready to ride a coaster while another has breakfast with characters while another sleeps in from staying up for last night’s EMH.

Being scolded into another queue by a CM more interested in proving how efficiently he make sure everyone marches in step makes me feel less like I’m on vacation and more like my next vacation will be elsewhere.

Rude wrangling of customers, regardless of what Disney-speak calls them, is simply bad business.