Quote Originally Posted by TiggeRia View Post
I went to the party on the 21st and actually thought they did a decent job of filtering people out. In the first few hours, we were stopped several times by CM's to make sure we were wearing wristbands and they were also checked prior to entering candy lines or rides. There were several CM's walking through each land holding sticks with ghosts on them starting at one and and working their way to the other filtering people out. Also didn't have any trouble finding a spot on Main Street for the fireworks and front row for the parade, although we did go to the second showing. Sorry you guys had trouble with this-guess they need to improve their methods!
I was wishing we could have gone on the 21st. I'm sure the difference was that the one we went on was a Saturday, and you went on a Tuesday night. We flew out that night, so it was not a possibility.