Quote Originally Posted by Ian View Post
I'd love to see Yao Man and Big Tom back. They were two of my all-time favorites.
From MercuryNews.com:
Turns out that Yau-Man Chan of Martinez was, indeed, approached by producers, but reluctantly turned down the invite. The popular UC Berkeley computer whiz, who charmed millions in the Fiji edition and returned to play in Micronesia, was flat out of vacation time.

At first, Chan, 57, was disappointed over missing another chance to compete. But after studying the male half of this season's roster, which includes the likes of Rupert Boneham, James Clement and "Boston" Rob Mariano, he's just fine with watching from the comfort of his couch.

"I look at that cast and it's loaded with real power players — a lot of type-A personalities," he says. "I don't think I'd have any chance out there with those guys. I'm more of a subtle player, who relies on playing an intellectual game. I wouldn't fit in with this group."