My husband had a laminectomy done last August. Initially I was not in favor of it, but eventually it became clear that he was facing the same dilemma you are--either live with pain indefinitely or have the surgery. He also had the potential complication (without surgery) of damage to the nerves leading to the bladder and intestines, so that made having the procedure that much more of a necessity.

The laminectomy was done endoscopically and took about an hour. The incision itself was about 3 inces long. He had almost immediate pain relief and although had some restrictions he went back to work after 3 weeks. Actually he felt more mobile and flexible after the surgery than before and felt like he could have gone back to work even earlier, but he followed the doctor's advice. Five months later he is still doing well and has had no further problems.

Of course, everyone's experience with this type of procedure will vary, but there can be a very positive outcome.