We also give out unused FP's. Last year we had two FP's for EE, and realized we wouldn't be able to use them. We found to teenage boys and asked them if they could use them. They were so happy they almost hugged us. It was early afternoon, and FP's were gone for the day.

We happened to be walking by EE near what would have been our FP time, and there they were, entering the line.

We also love to take photos for people (DH and I are pro photographers). Lost of times when people see the photo after we take it, they ask how we did it. We love to give them little tips and tricks to give their photos a more professional look through composition and using available light.

DH is always holding doors for people, giving his seat to just about anyone on a bus or monorail, and is a "ladies first" gentleman. Actually, I'm pretty much the same (except the gentleman part).

We like to give a nice Disney pin to CM's who have really made our trips special. We started this last year, and I look forward to doing it again this year.

The few times we've gotten excellent spots for parades, I've always given them to kids. It's really not the kids' faults that they don't get to a parade in enough time to get a good spot, so we give them our seats, and then just stand behind them. I don't really like sitting during the parades anyway since most of the action is so high. I prefer standing, and the parents are always very appreciative of the gesture.