This almost tops the rudest thing I ever saw at WDW. It was just before the afternoon parade at MK. The parade had started and was coming up the street. Of course the front row spaces were long gone. CMs had roped off the walkways as the parade was pretty close and out of nowhere this lady with a double stroller ducks under the ropes and crosses the street. The CM is running after her shooing her out of the way of the parade which was mere feet away. The crowds parted to let this lady cross and then she whips that stroller around and takes a front row space from the people who moved to let her pass. It was amazing. We were on the other side of the street which was probably a good thing because DH was furious over what we witnessed. The people she stole the spot from were an elderly couple and they looked too shocked to even respond.

Sometimes people's rudeness is unbelievable.