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  1. #701
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    Terra ~ Enjoy Aaron's 1st visit to the MK. How nice that you are so close that you can take him so young!

    Melissa ~ Good selection on the name front! Sorry to hear about more hospital issues.....how frustrating to have a class not happen because it is a big deal to make it to the classes with everything else going on. I'm not surprised to hear that it is Kaiser. Although, I've never heard bad things about Kaiser birth experiences so I'm sure the actual delivery will go well.

    Laura ~ I agree that you shouldn't induce 2 days late just because it is convenient for your doc. At my birth class they recommended that we always share our preferences with our doctors about things like that and that the doctors should be accommodating. I've heard that typically they don't induce until 42 weeks unless there is a reason that they think the baby is no longer safe. So I would at least bring it up. And as far as the hospital bag, I'm with your husband. Some of the lists are crazy and I'm wondering how we're going to find a bag big enough. I have decided to take my own music as I've heard that it helps from several people but I don't know what all else. I too would like to see what everyone else suggests.

    So the DNC started today and my building didn't seem to be affected so I'm planning to work at least 3 days this week but still use it as a reason to take Thursday & Friday off and enjoy the long weekend. I have my shower this weekend so we have a lot of company in town. After this weekend I'll really feel like I'm on the home stretch and can't wait to get the rest of the gear and feel like I have everything ready!
    "Jammin' in the jungle to the rhythm of one!"

    Proud mom of Elias - born Sept 2008!

    WDW College Program Alum-Fall 2001

    I runDisney - 2010 DL Half, 2012 Coast to Coast DL Half and Wine & Dine, 2014 Tinker Bell Half, 2014 Avengers Half, 2015 Pixie Dust Challenge, 2015 Dumbo Double Dare

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  3. #702
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    Mjaclyn- Congrats on Baby #2.

    Laura- I think you should voice your opinion about not wanting to be induced two days late. That seems crazy and since it is your body and your baby you should be able to do what you want. I too I am scared of being induced. Several of the people I have known who have been induced have ended up with emergency c-sections due to complications from pitocin. I am planning on letting my doctor know that I don;t want to be induced or have pitocin unless it becomes medically neccessary. Everything I have read says as the patient you have the right to deny medicine/induction even if your doctor pushes for it.

    I have the big ultrasound tomorrow morning, so of course I can't sleep. However, DH is sleeping away oblivious to the fact that I am pacing the floor! Is it a boy, is it a girl? Hopefully we will know in a little over eight hours!

    Momma to two sweet boys: Myers and Jacob
    36 trips and counting!

  4. #703
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    Lacy - I'm not all that suprised at the issues we are having with Kaiser at this point. I've got to call the health ed. nurse back today and talk to her about rescheduling. My dh just started a consulting job out of town, and we may have to do it over the phone in the evening. It sounds like it might be a few weeks before he gets to work from home again.

    Laura - Are you one of the mom's with diabetes? That may be the reason for the rush to do the induction. Also, I'm not sure what your dr. hospital schedule is, but I know with mine, she only does one 24 day a month on call and then does scheduled c-sections. You may not get your dr if you want to push out the date. I totally understand your fear of an induction. I had one and wouldn't wish that upon anyone.

    Kristin - Good luck with your ultrasound!!!!

    About hospital bags, I've actually already started my list of what goes in the bag. I've added a few things the hospital recommended, but I will basically make three bags, one for me and one for baby and one for dh. All the baby stuff will fit into the diaper bag and then a bag for me. The diaper bag can be just left in the car until after you are in your room. I'm also going to have my dh pack a small overnight bag that he can have in the car with a change of clothes, his razor, tooth brush and tooth paste, etc.

    Just a tip, one of the things on the list is hard candies or lollypops to have in your mouth for the mommy. I brought some and couldn't stand the thought of having one. My dh then proceeded to start eating one and just the smell pushed me over the edge. He of course didn't bring tooth paste or mouth wash, so I sent him off in search of something, cause I just couldn't take the smell. Also, when you have a really long labor and don't get to eat, smelling what your dh had for lunch or dinner isn't a great thing either.

    Disneyland - too many times to count
    Poly 2007
    3 day Cruise Wonder 2007
    4 day Cruise Wonder 2000-2001 (New Years Cruise) Honeymoon
    Beach Club 2000 Honeymoon
    Poly 98
    3 day Cruise Magic 98
    Tokyo Disneyland 1994

  5. #704
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    We had our ultrasound today, and drum roll please.......it's a boy! So now we can start to really plan the nursery and start the registry and all that good stuff. The good thing about the baby being a boy is we don't even have to pick a name. DH is the 4th, so DS will be the 5th!

    Momma to two sweet boys: Myers and Jacob
    36 trips and counting!

  6. #705
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    Kristin - Congratulations on the little boy! Have fun looking for all the outfits and decorations now that you know!

    Laura - I'm being induced, also, unless our little one decides to come earlier than planned. However, I'm a diabetic, so I knew that at my very first appt. 8 months ago. I would love to go into labor on my own, but I also know all the risks of waiting too long. Assuming you don't have any complications, would they let you wait another week? Until your OB is back to work?

    Melissa - I like that name a lot. Are you planning to call her Madeline or some version thereof? I have a student named Maddy, and I think it's a great name!
    I'm sorry to hear things are still going downhill with your hospital. Did you have to pay for the class? If so, I think I would demand a full refund, even if they do reschedule. That's just ridiculous to not even leave a note.

    As for the bags, I've been packing also, since I have no more than 5 weeks left. However, since I've been doing baby laundry, and not ours, DH keeps stealing from the hospital bag to have clothes for work! I told him he's going to have to stay in the same clothes all 3 days if he doesn't watch it! I'm also packing the diaper bag, and going to leave it in the car. I printed off one of the suggested lists, but I am taking it with a grain of salt. I am taking my iPod and speakers, and magazines (especially since I'll be waiting for a while with an induction). I got a couple of pairs of black pants (one pj type, one scrub-type with a tie-waist) so that I don't ruin anything, but I also don't spend 3 days in a hospital gown. Other than that, we'll see.

    An update on my part - Both DH and my mom pointed out that I look like I've dropped. I hope that doesn't mean Samantha's coming this early, but I know it can still be quite a while afterwards. We finally finished the nursery, and then made a mess in it again after our shower this weekend. I was rather surprised when a friend gave us a gift card large enough to go buy the carseat we'd wanted (Chicco Key Fit 30 Extreme), and then when my best friend went with us to get it, she bought us the stroller that completes the travel system!
    I've been having twice a week appts. for 2 weeks now. Fetal monitoring went slowly this Monday, as the machine was broken, and then when they got me back, Samantha was sleeping. I ended up being on the monitor for an hour. All was well, though. I have another u/s tomorrow. She weighed approx. 4lbs13oz. last week, so we'll see if she's staying on track, or if she's picking up speed. I've stayed on top of my blood sugar this entire time, so we're hoping for an average sized baby. 5 weeks to go!
    Susan °o°

    You cheated.

    8/98 CBR; 10/00 ASM; 11/01 POR; 7/07 POR; 10/09 ASM; 10/10 Pop; 6/12 ASM; 12/13 ASM; 6/14 FWC; 7/15 FWC; 12/16 2 weeks at FWC!

  7. #706
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    I meant to ask a question of all you that are past your first pregnancy, or about to finish it up. I know that it's typical for women to be "over it" by month nine. Or at least that's what we hear all the time. Am I crazy for not feeling that way? Don't get me wrong, I can't wait for the moment that I get to hold my little girl for the first time, and introduce her to her daddy. But I'm not incredibly uncomfortable (at least not yet), and I haven't gained much weight, so that's not a big problem. In fact, I'm getting a little tired of the "I bet you're ready for this to be over with" comments. Am I the only one? Or are all of you thinking, "she's got 5 weeks left, she'll change her mind..."?
    Susan °o°

    You cheated.

    8/98 CBR; 10/00 ASM; 11/01 POR; 7/07 POR; 10/09 ASM; 10/10 Pop; 6/12 ASM; 12/13 ASM; 6/14 FWC; 7/15 FWC; 12/16 2 weeks at FWC!

  8. #707
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    Mjaclyn- Congrats on Baby #2!!

    On the hospital bag packing topic: I packed a bag for me, DH, and baby. I didn't really pack a lot of extras - just clothes, toiletries and a few magazines. DH did pack his PSP and a few games/videos. I think I just packed a few outfit for DS - we got to take everything that was left in his little 'bed' home with us - leftover formula, diapers, ointment, pacifiers. The hospital even gave us a diaper bag with formula in it as well along with a T-shirt, hat, and blanket.

    On being induced - I would ask why they want to induce so close after your due date. I was induced becuase of the diabetes and wouldn't want to go through it if I didn't have to. Speaking of the induction - once I had gotten my epidural (around 8-9am) I finally got some sleep (I had gone to the hospital the night before and was induced around 11pm and didn't sleep at all that night (my OB wanted me to come in at night so I could get a good night rest during the induction, which did not happen)). Good Luck! And I hope it goes well for you.

    Kristin - Congrats on a boy!! I'm sure you'll find lots of cute things on your Babymoon trip for him. (I know I did when I went on mine.)

    Susan - I'm sure you'll have an 'average' sized baby if you've had your sugars under control. DS was 8 lbs. 4 oz., which I think is average, but again he was early - and that's why us diabetic moms get induced now so we don't have 10+ lb. babies -can you imagine??
    And as far as the being "over it"? I think everyone's different and everyone handles pregnancy different. I personally was about ready when DS finally came - it was a lot warmer last year and my feet were so swollen towards the end that I wanted that to be over with.

    5/04 - Caribbean Beach
    5/05 - Caribbean Beach
    11/06 - Animal Kingdom Lodge (Honeymoon)
    6/07 - Caribbean Beach
    10/08 - SSR (for DS's 1st B-day)

    DVC Owners @ AKV as of 4/08
    Next Trip: 6/09 - SWW!

  9. #708
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    Kristen - Congrats on the boy!!! Have fun picking everything out.

    Susan - I can't believe your at 5 weeks already. Time sure is flying by. We will probably end up calling her Maddy. We just really like the -y ending nicknames but don't want to saddle the girls with a nickname for a first name.

    As far as being over being pregnant, I really think it depends. As it gets closer, the baby drops more and more and it really starts to get uncomfortable. I'm sure by the last week, you'll be "over it". With my first, I was "over it" after I started having to go to the doctor 3 times a week for monitoring since I had high blood pressure. Every time I went in, I was hoping that they would say, "it's time". I was so swollen and retaining so much water, the last 4 weeks, I was done. Then, once the baby dropped and I was the extreme queen of waddle, and having to go every 15 minutes, and not sleeping, I couldn't wait for the baby to come out.

    This time, I'm still about 8 weeks out (now that I have my c-section date 10/27 or 10/29), I'm doing pretty good. I'm only a little swollen once I get to work or home from my long drive or after I've had a meal that was too salty. The heat has been a bear though. It's going to be 100 today and 104 tomorrow. YUCK!!! Since I have a new job this time, my stress level is much, much less, so the blood preassure shouldn't be a problem. So, in short (ok, not really) I'm not over it yet. Ask me again in 4 weeks.

    Disneyland - too many times to count
    Poly 2007
    3 day Cruise Wonder 2007
    4 day Cruise Wonder 2000-2001 (New Years Cruise) Honeymoon
    Beach Club 2000 Honeymoon
    Poly 98
    3 day Cruise Magic 98
    Tokyo Disneyland 1994

  10. #709
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    Kristin, Congrats on the little boy! I'll bet your husband is thrilled!

    Lacy, I hope that you get to take some time off this week. Between the DNC and your shower coming soon, I'd try to relax. I was soooo beat the day after my baby shower. My parents had a co ed shower for me so there were over 50 people there (my family is huge!) so I spent a lot of time mingling and waddling from group to group. I was very touched by some of the wonderful gifts that we received. We had a great time putting the things together... I'd imagine that you and your husband will have fun with that, too. Civil engineers love to build things

    Melissa, I'm glad that you were able to settle on a name. We are currently trying to decide between Madeleine Elizabeth and Emily Aileen for a girls' name. The boy name is still up in the air. Thanks so much for the ideas on what to pack. My husband really likes the "3 bag system." The suggested packing lists are so funny. (More amusing than the "what to take to WDW ones!) Thanks for the tip about having DH wash away the evidence of his meals. Our labor instructor talked to us about that, too.

    Susan, I am 30 weeks today, and I'm not "over" the pregnancy, really. I'm savoring these last few days alone with my DH. I haven't had much sickness. The only problems that I've had at all were in the past few weeks, where my feet have swollen up and I started getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. I started a new job in the end of July and the office has a business traditional dress code but my dress shoes don't fit anymore so I have had to make do with sneakers. I miss shoes.

    Well, I had my last appointment with my doctor today. She asked me what my concerns were about the end of the pregnancy and if we'd discussed induction. I told her what the other doctor had said and she agreed that 2 days late was too soon to induce. (I don't have diabetes, I've had a case of pre partum depression that I've managed to shake without meds.) She told me that based on how my body is now, that I'd need to have a C section if she induced me. So the game plan is to go to the office on my due date, have an internal exam, and then have an ultrasound and develop a game plan from there. I am so relieved that she made me feel that it was okay to not want to be induced on the 4th! Thank you all so much for encouraging me to speak up for myself!

    For those of you who didn't know what they were having, did you buy two "take home outfits?" Is that what they take the baby's hospital photo in? I keep looking for that perfect outfit and can't find anything.
    Engineer by Day... Imagineer in my Dreams!

  11. #710
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    Melissa ~ The three bag idea is great! We've decided that is what we are going to do and it is one of the top things on my list.

    Susan ~ As far as being over the pregnancy, I'm right there with you. I am 36 weeks tomorrow and am not yet "over it". I've not been terribly uncomfortable and have enjoyed the experience. My feet are really starting to swell but I use that as an excuse to wear my flip-flops at the office since my shoes don't fit very well. A minor inconvenience. I am very excited for our little guy to arrive but do not want to rush it and hope to enjoy this last month with DH!

    Laura ~ Pixie dust for your last few days and keep us posted!
    "Jammin' in the jungle to the rhythm of one!"

    Proud mom of Elias - born Sept 2008!

    WDW College Program Alum-Fall 2001

    I runDisney - 2010 DL Half, 2012 Coast to Coast DL Half and Wine & Dine, 2014 Tinker Bell Half, 2014 Avengers Half, 2015 Pixie Dust Challenge, 2015 Dumbo Double Dare

  12. #711
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kairi_7378 View Post
    For those of you who didn't know what they were having, did you buy two "take home outfits?" Is that what they take the baby's hospital photo in? I keep looking for that perfect outfit and can't find anything.
    We do know what we're having, but we're taking more than one outfit anyhow. I'm taking some onesies, so that she'll be "dressed for company" (moreso, because I'd rather have those than the t-shirt and diaper look that our hospital offers). Also, because I'm a diabetic, I don't want to only have newborn sizes, in case she's too large for them. When I was born (to a diabetic mother) they had to cut the elastic out of my sleeves, just so I'd fit in the outfit. And... since our hospital offers more of a photo shoot than just the typical "baby in blanket in bassinet" shot, we're taking two different outfits for pictures. We'll use one of those for going home. So, a couple of onesies and two "going home" outfits.

    Thanks for all the responses about being "over" it. I'm glad I'm not the only one. My BP was elevated at my visit this morning, so it may be over sooner than planned, though. I hope not. I plan to spend the long weekend trying to not be stressed (I have been majorly tense lately), stay away from salt, and quit drinking the caffeine that I've been adding back into my diet since making it to the 3rd trimester (I don't drink much, maybe two drinks with it a week, but still). I'm hoping that will solve the problem. I really don't want to do another 24-hour urine test.
    Susan °o°

    You cheated.

    8/98 CBR; 10/00 ASM; 11/01 POR; 7/07 POR; 10/09 ASM; 10/10 Pop; 6/12 ASM; 12/13 ASM; 6/14 FWC; 7/15 FWC; 12/16 2 weeks at FWC!

  13. #712
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    Susan - Be sure when you get home to lay on the couch or bed on your left side. That will improve your circulation and help reduce swelling. When they finally took me off work with my dd, they told me I was on modified bed rest. I had to spend 6-8 hours every day laying on my left side. If you are still working, they may just take you off work and see how things go. Have your dh go rent some movies, drink lots of water and veg out on the couch.

    With my dd, since it was my first, I was paranoid about the u/s being wrong. We knew it was a girl, but I didn't register for anything girly, we made her room gender neutral and took a gender neutral outfit. For whatever reason, they didn't do photos at the hospital. This time, they are making a bigger deal out of it, so I'm going to be taking some cute onzies and my dh already picked out the going home outfit. We went to Baby R Us and my dh picked up one outfit and I got teary and that's what we bought for the going home look and it is for a girl. I guess I just feel more comfortable with knowing that it will be a girl. I've had 2 u/s's and both times they said girl.

    Today it is going to be from 105-110 today. UGH!!! I'm so tired of the heat. At least we don't have humidity too. I'm all puffy and trying to stay hydrated.

    Tonight is Back to School night for my dd's school and they don't want kids there. That seems really odd to me. Luckily my mom will take dd tonight. She'll get to go to the school my mom works at tonight since it is there back to school night too. They encourage the kids to come and bring their parents. They are even giving the parents gas cards if they show up. Very weird.

    Disneyland - too many times to count
    Poly 2007
    3 day Cruise Wonder 2007
    4 day Cruise Wonder 2000-2001 (New Years Cruise) Honeymoon
    Beach Club 2000 Honeymoon
    Poly 98
    3 day Cruise Magic 98
    Tokyo Disneyland 1994

  14. #713
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    Melissa- The school I teach at has a curriculum night which is parent's only because we go over policies and the scope and sequence of what will be covered- not really interesting to kids and hard for the parents to listen if they are having to wrangle bored kids! Then a little later in the school year, late September-ish, we have opne house which is for kids and parents. We normally make some cute stuff for the parents to take home and the kids can show off the classroom and all the art work we have made by that point.

    When we found out that we were having a boy, I decided to treat my SIL as if nothing was wrong. I called and left a message and then sent her the e-mail with the scanned ultrasound pictures. I did receive a reply from her so maybe everything is okay now.

    I didn't really want to do a Disney nursery, but DH told me last weekend he wants to have a Pooh nursery. I just didn't want to do something cartoony, but I looked at some Classic Pooh stuff at Target which was pretty cute. I also thought that a Pooh nursery could always be reused for a second child whether a boy or girl which would be a big money saver! Now I am not sure???

    Momma to two sweet boys: Myers and Jacob
    36 trips and counting!

  15. #714
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    Thanks for the info on Back to School night. I can see now why they don't have kids going, it's just a major pain when my DH is out of town. The only people that watch my dd are my parents and one of my girlfriend's who lives about 45 min. away from my house. I've really got to find some more options, especially since it looks like I'm going to be on my own more often for the next month and a half.

    When we did my dd's nursery, I thought all of the Disney stuff looked cheap and not very nice, so what we did was more of a subtle Disney theme and this will work for either a boy or a girl. We painted the walls Sailor Mickey blue (by Behr) and then we did white clouds with a stippling brush. It was a little time consuming, but easy to do. We only did this on the top half of the walls. We even did a hidden Mickey cloud. We then went and bought identical black frames that fit all of the Disney Movie lithos that we have gotten over the years and put some of those up on the walls. I also added a shelf and put up a few figurines (up high). It was a very general Disney theme instead of Pooh, Princess or Tinkerbell. I also noticed that Babys R Us has plain bedding (bumpers, sheets, dust ruffles and diaper stackers) and you could get those. Honestly, you won't need the little comforter that comes in the bedding sets, since you shouldn't use that in the crib the first year.

    Disneyland - too many times to count
    Poly 2007
    3 day Cruise Wonder 2007
    4 day Cruise Wonder 2000-2001 (New Years Cruise) Honeymoon
    Beach Club 2000 Honeymoon
    Poly 98
    3 day Cruise Magic 98
    Tokyo Disneyland 1994

  16. #715
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    Kristin, I'm glad that your SIL is being nice now. Aren't family politics fun sometimes?

    We considered doing a classic Pooh theme for a nursery. We were going to go to Carters and get some neutral sheets and bumpers, paint the walls pale yellow, and get some artwork from Art of Disney. I can't remember the name of the artist but he does some really nice landscapes of classic Pooh that look a little bit like Monet paintings. Then DH changed his mind so we ended up not doing a Pooh theme after all. I do agree that it's a theme that could be used again for multiple children.

    Melissa, your nursery sounds lovely! We like the "subtle theme" for a nursery... some of those pictures of the full sets look very busy.

    I have another silly question... have any of you ladies given your husband a "new dad" present? One of my friends was teasing my husband at my shower about buying me a Mom gift but I was trying to come up with something nice for DH. Even though he's not physically giving birth, he's going to be a new dad and he's been very supportive during the pregnancy. He even got the nursery painted and the carpet ripped out in 3 days. So I'd like to do something nice for him but am drawing a blank! It doesn't help that his birthday is so close to the due date.
    Engineer by Day... Imagineer in my Dreams!

  17. #716
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    Hey Everyone!!

    I have been MIA from this thread since Aiden was born, but I wanted to check in and see how everyone was doing! I'm glad to see that everyone is doing well and that there are some new mommies to be out there!!

    I had a bit of a hard time after Aiden was born. I was really feeling down for awhile, but I'm starting to feel a lot better!

    Aiden turned 3 months last week. I can not believe how the time is flying! Sophie turns 3 next month! Aiden is doing really good. He already rolls over and he is getting his first tooth, poor guy!

    I've been busy planning our trip to WDW for next year and Sophie's b-day party which is in 3 weeks. She wants a pirate party!!

    I started taking classes in travel and tourism. I have high hopes of becoming a Disney travel agent someday!

    Oh, I wanted to add that our nursery is the Classic Pooh from Target. We were able to use the same nursery for DD and DS. We painted the walls a pale yellow and it really is a cute theme without being too much.

    Well, I have to try to keep up with everything going on in this thread! Things have really gotten crazy in these past 3 months! Congratulations to everyone whose babies have arrived and good luck to everyone still expecting!!
    3/08 - Coronado Springs
    12/08 - Coronado Springs
    5/09 - Beach Club
    9/09 - Caribbean Beach and Yacht Club
    2/10 - Yacht Club
    5/10 - Animal Kingdom Lodge and Polynesian

  18. #717
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    Melissa- I love the idea for that nursery! I told DH, mom and dad about it and they thought it was pretty cool. I like the idea that it is something that could grow with LO as well (or work for another baby later on). My mom also made the point that if DS didn;t want to keep the Disney stuff it could be moved to a guest room or study. I think we are going to wait to make this discussion until after we get back from the world to see what we can afford as far as lithographs, decorations, etc.

    Susan- I have also thought about a new daddy present, but my DH's birthday is close to the due date also so I may just get an extra nice b-day present. I don;t want to spend too much money since I won't be working for 3 months!

    Lacy- How did your shower go? I hope you got lots of great presents for your LO and had a good time with your family!

    Momma to two sweet boys: Myers and Jacob
    36 trips and counting!

  19. #718
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    I'm looking for some registering advice.
    My MIL offered to buy a Fisher Price Rainforest Jumparoo and a Rainforest bouncer from her friend who has an 8 month old that is no longer interested in them. I have to figure out if these are things I want.
    As far as the bouncer...I thought that was the exact model I wanted until I saw it in person at a couple stores and heard how loud and clacky the plastic peek-a-boo parts are when they move...I can't imagine that would be very soothing for a baby. It was hard to tell if this was just the floor models from overuse or if every model would do that. It gets very good parent reviews overall...so I'm torn. Her friend is offering to sell it to her for $15 less than retail. This is a great deal, and I love the waterfall feature and nature sounds the bouncer plays...I just don't know if it is worth it for my MIL to buy a product that is potentially going to be loud that I plan to have my baby mostly napping in.
    The bouncer I'm thinking about registering for instead is the Hoppy Days Fisher Price bouncer...which is only $5 more than my MIL's friend is wanting to charge for the pricier Rainforest bouncer. The downsides...it has only 3 toys and only plays one song. However, it has no moving parts so would be quieter.
    What should I be looking for in a bouncer? Are the amount/type of toys and music at all important? I am registering for a Fisher Price Rainforest swing and either an exersaucer or jumparoo for putting the baby in for when I need the baby to be entertained temporarilly. Do I really need a bunch of entertaining toys on the bouncer?
    The second issue is jumparoo vs. exersaucer. Originally, I had thought that I'd want an exersaucer since they look more stable and safer than a jumparoo. Now that I've seen them in stores...I am leaning toward the jumparoo because the exersaucers all seem overly busy. With the mishmash of colors and the bevy of toys attached to the tray that literally surrounds baby...I feel overwhelmed and overstimulated when I look at them and I have a hard time picturing a baby surrounded by toys on every side and NOT getting overstimulated. But, my sister works at a daycare and she tells me that babies love them. They also get pretty good parent reviews...but then again so does the jumparoo. I kind-of like that the jumparoo has only a few toys scattered around the tray. It seems less cluttered and frenetic. But, does this mean baby will lose interest in it sooner? I had one of the super-dangerous in-the-doorway bouncers that everyone seems to recommend against lately when I was a kid and I remember watching my little sisters enjoy jumping in it (I am the oldest of 3 girls). Is bouncing in the exersaucer going to be as fun for a baby as jumping on a jumparoo?
    I'd love to experienced parents' thoughts on these items. DH and I are really having trouble filling out and finalizing our registries since this is our first baby. These couple things have been the big debates!
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  20. #719
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    Medland - I can't really comment on the bouncer as I didn't use any of those brands. We have one of the infant to toddler rockers that had a vibrating mechanism in it and DS really liked that chair. I hope he uses when he's ready to sit in a chair too. He's crawling now and not into sitting very still at the moment.
    On the other hand we have both an exersaucer and a jumperoo. I registered for the exersaucer (the Baby Einstein one) and received it as a gift from co-workers and then bought the jumperoo off craigslist. Overall, DS liked the jumperoo better. I bought the same one he used at the sitter's and he loved jumping in it - and most of the time could care less about the toys on the jumperoo. I would say I used the exersaucer less and when I did put DS in it he tried to jump in it anyway. So personally, in the end I would pick the jumperoo over the exersaucer if you only want one of them. But every baby is different and you won't really know what they like until you try it. Good Luck with your decision.
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  21. #720
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    I did not get a gift for my dh with my dd, but with this one, I might get him a t-shirt that I've seen him pick up twice when we went to one of the baby stores here in town. He very rarely picks up and looks at clothes and when he does it is usually a sign.

    As far the exersaucer and the jumparoo. I did not get either for dd, but a friend has used a jumparoo and her son just loved it. He always looks like he is having a blast in that thing.

    I think with bouncers, you really don't need that many bells and whistles. I had the Fisher Price Aquarium one for my dd, and I took off the toys when she was really little. She didn't like the vibrating seat much. I usually put her in the bouncer when I needed to take a shower or prepare a bottle for her. Once she was a little older, I reattached the toys and she loved playing with them, but really I could have given her any toy and she would have been thrilled.

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