Quote Originally Posted by PirateLover View Post
I like all of the points you make, and I agree with the majority that I don't think this is a good idea. However, If a family has Key to the World cards, how can they only bring one? Wouldn't they need to bring them all to get everyone through the turnstiles???????
Unless your park tickets are on your KTTWC, you really only need one card per family (of course, unless you plan to partake in EMH).

I cannot offer a solution to this problem. No matter what you do, there will always be groups out there trying to abuse the system.

Do I like this new arrangement? I can't say that I do. It does seem to be tedious (that is if the CMs DO check the dates), but could be a waste and open the door to scams (if they don't check the dates at each ride).

I hope this does turn out well, for our sake, and for the CMs.