Yeah, when I heard about this, I said "WHAT A HORRIBLE IDEA!!"

And I stick to that.

Why? Because all of the points made here are completely irrelevant.

1 - Day Guests who are not at a Disney Park can ALREADY stay in the park as long as they want and shop. The wristbands are only needed for EMH to ride the rides, not go in the shops. That's nothing new. The exception to this is the hard-ticket events.

2 - It was said that the wristbands could be given to someone. Well, you could also give away old room keys (I've got quite a few since I have DVC in my family), or if they have friends who are locals (like DolphinMickey is to me), they can just give their ID to me for one ride and wait by the exit.

3 - Do you know how many DON'T bring their KTTW card for everyone in the family? A LOT!! Trust me, after working Wristband Distribution, I can say that about 50% of the time, they only bring one card for the family. The mentality is "If we are staying together, why do I need all the cards? Just one will open the door."

4 - CM's will have to check the dates on the cards to make sure they are still valid and not like me, who is capable of going to the parks everyday and staying at a resort only once a month or so.

Nope, I hate the idea. I'm glad I am moving to Entertainment for this.