Quote Originally Posted by SurferStitch View Post
Wow, this is sooooo NOT COOL!!

Instead of doing the right thing, and charging admission to enter PI again, they are turning it into more shopping and food. Just what we need....more places to stuff our faces. There was an easy way to make it an enjoyable place again....get rid of the losers by charging admission. I know WDW is a family place, but we adults sans kids do like a little adult haven now and then.

Like someone else said, they better keep the parks open later to give us something to do at night now. I can't really afford to go to PI every night and blow money on junk.

I will terribly miss the AC. We didn't go during our last trip, and I really regretted it. Now, I regret it even more! How stupid were we?? Gee, so glad we bought the PI AP. Guess I gotta complain and get some money back. Like it will matter.....

DH and I just signed the petition to save the AC. I'm #1270, and he's #1267.
Hear hear!

This is terrible news. Sure, something needed to be done about the dance clubs, and although I didn't desire it, they needed to add a country western venue (a la the Neon Armadillo)... but to remove the unique and wonderful Adventurer's Club and the fun improv Comedy Club and replace them with....a (are they serious) balloon , dino-themed Rainforest Cafe , and a make-your-own T-shirt store .... uuuuuugggh!