Quote Originally Posted by Ian View Post
The descent I think is one of those things that, the first time it might be mildly entertaining, but after like 5 times of seeing the same low-quality animation it's going to get very, very old.
I'm not totally disagreeing with you, but to be fair, after 5 times the entire attraction, any attraction for that matter, is the same thing over again. And probably the vast majority of riders experience it once or twice in their life, or every several years anyway. If that is indeed the case, then it would not become nearly as repetitive to the average rider.

Wouldn't it be interesting if they had the narration recorded by 4 or 5 different people, and the presenter you got to hear on any particular visit was random.

Or, if you could select a "level" of information you wanted to hear, and based on the selection the amount and type of information presented varied.