When I was a little girl, I loved watching the Wonderful World of Disney on TV and wished I could see Tinkerbell and the Castle and the Fireworks one day. I did for the first time last year and became a huge WDW fan. However, I have never seen the connection between the warmth and magic of Disney with the gaudy stores in the mall. I have peeped in a few times since my life changing visit to the world and even bought my kids some pajamas and tshirt. The tshirts were fine, but my DS3 refuses to wear the disney jammy's for some reason. I think they are itchy or uncomfortable. They are not high quality. I never visited the stores in their earlier years. I wish they would make them more special and unique. I must add that I think the shops in the parks are a bit much too. There are way, way too many and the merchandise is not unique. Also, the quality is not exceptional in many cases. It was important to Walt in the early days to only be associated with quality. I hope this will be the wave of the future for Disney.