I haven't posted about Lost on Intercot in a long, long time. It's good to be back.


The first episode of the season, "A Tale of Two Cities", only showed me a couple of things: A.) the Others location on the Island compared to everything else (such as both crash sites) and B.) Jack is very obsessive and borderline psycho... in certain situations, I suppose. The rest was okay. Kate's breakfast with Ben/Henry was a good scene, very creepy, and Sawyer and Kate's reunion was sweet.

The second episode, "The Glass Balerina", was better. I was glad to see what was going on with the "Foreign Legion" (aka Sayid, Sun and Jin) because they are some of my favorite characters and the three of them are a very interesting combination. And the kiss between Kate and Sawyer was great. I like them as a couple. I know, how "fangirl" of me. Too bad Ben/Henry is watching their every move; I want to see a great, daring escape, but it looks like they won't get very far with him around.

And also because of the last episode, I am loving Sun more and more. That girl has a dark side! Did you see the way she lied with a strait face to Big Bad Mob-Boss Daddy? She also doesn't seem to have a problem lying to Jin, whether it's about her affair or their plans on the boat with Sayid. Her character has some very interesting dynamics that I hope to see more of soon.

Next week's episode is called "Further Instructions" and it's Locke centric. I saw a sneak peek online and (SPOILER ALERT) apparently he has another one of his weird dreams/visions of him being wheeled around the airport in his wheelchair by...Boone. Can't wait to see how that turns out...

Still looking for that RRE!