Let's see some lists of those of you in Intercot that have been selected from the audience to participate in a show! You can even include older shows from the past, and if you can't remember the names, don't worry, just do your best to explain what it was. Also, let us know some details, which ones you liked the most, and how you believe you got yourself picked. Here's my list:

1) Indiana Jones Stunt show - I've done this one 3 times now. I make it a point to wear a bright colored shirt and fling my arms in the air, jumping up and down like a madman.

2) Monster Sound Show - This one has been removed and replaced with Sounds Dangerous. To me, this was my absolute favorite show, because they picked people out of the audience to be foley artists. It was the most fun I've had in a show.

3) Superstar Television - This one is gone now, too. They selected members of the audience to have a "cameo" in popular TV shows. My wife and I were picked when they were looking for a "nice couple", I leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I'm convinced this got us chosen - even though my wife could have killed me.

4) Who Wants to be a Millionaire - Play It! - This one I was picked to be in the hot seat because I was able to answer Disney trivia. See? All that trivia DOES come in handy!!!

Okay! I'd love to hear some other stories from those of you who have been chosen for these shows! Or, if you haven't, maybe someone in your family did! Those count, too.