I have a question for anyone who reads Tom Clancy novels ...

Is he a big Disney fan? I can't help but notice that in almost every one of his books (especially the later ones) he mentions Disney or Walt Disney World or Disneyland or some Disney reference like 10-20 times in each book.

I'm reading his new one, Red Rabbit, right now and I swear I'm not done and I think he's mentioned Walt Disney World like 25 times. The novel involves Ryan breaking a Russian defector out from behind the Iron Curtain and one of the things they talk about over and over again is how much his little girl will LOVE Disney World.

Also ... in Rainbow Six, Clark's team stages an assault on terrorists that have taken over a theme park that is distinctly reminiscent of Disneyland.

Clancy doesn't seem like the type to be a big Disney fan, so I'm wondering if anyone can shed some light on this for me?