Wow. This got a bit on the technical end, didn't it?

15K bulbs?!? I get nervous enough when I'm changing out a 2.5K bulb. Those things are like a small grenade going off. If you dropped a 15K, that sounds like it'd be closer to a nuke in the booth!

I am curious to see what way they plan to go, though. Univeral's Shrek is supposed to be digitally projected, so I wonder if Disney will follow their lead (actually, is ITTBAB on film or digital? Like Shrek, the source material would have been digital...).

Hey, MrIMAX - are you at the IMAX nextdoor to the Aquarium? I've been meaning to check that place out for a while, but the showtimes are never when I need them to be...

[ January 17, 2003, 01:19 AM: Message edited by: Mulchpuppy ]