Day FOUR- Tuesday, June 26

Today was a non-park day, but that didn’t mean we weren't going to be busy. Wake up call was at a lazy 7:30 today. We enjoyed "sleeping in" Actually, everyone else enjoyed sleeping in, but I am a morning person and was awake before 6:30 anyway. I showered and took some time to straightened out the mess in my tent, including removing the small sandbox that was accumulating inside my front door. I wrote a few notes in my journal and reorganized all my paperwork. I felt renewed!
Before long, everyone was up and having breakfast as usual. Today's programs take place right here in Fort Wilderness, so the scouts do not need to make their lunches this morning. They can come 'home' between programs and eat. Truly a leisurely morning. And after 2 non-stop, hectic days, this is a very welcome change. They boys and their chaperones headed toward their meeting place at the petting zoo at 9:00am. This morning is Bird Study and this afternoon they have Reptiles and Amphibians- both are regulation Boy Scout Merit Badge programs. And both involved lots of real live creatures as well as some formerly-live specimens.
It was suddenly very quiet. The remaining adults and I cleaned up the aftermath of breakfast and made some plans for the day.
Being DVC members, my family has pool hopping privileges at all Disney Resorts (a great perk!) and I was dying to see the new Poly pool. I wasn't about to take to whole group over there, so I waited til this morning and me and my husband and 2 other adults took the boat over to the Contemporary and the monorail to the Poly. I was thoroughly enjoying showing off "MY" Disney World to new people. One of the women was actually a WDW veteran and had honeymooned at the Poly but the other man had never been here- and he was more and more impressed at every turn. We walked through the lush lobby and out to the pool. The new volvano pool is really very pretty. Not very big, but very nicely done. And at 10:30am it was not at all crowded. We just about had the pool to ourselves! The water was perfect and we all tried the volcano slide. It is GREAT!! Nice and long and twisty. Lots of fun. Then we found some lounge chairs and enjoyed the warm sun. Except for my fair-skinned husband who found a shady table and a drink . After a while I found an unoccupied hammock partially shaded right on the beach. I laid there for about 30 minutes completely happy and relaxed. I had a view of the Contemporary and the Cinderella's Castle at my feet, blue skies all around, pool sounds behind me and a glass of cranberry juice in my hand. Pure heaven. What a way to take a day off.
My husband and I had made a date for lunch today at Kona Café for noon. As that time approached, we went upstairs and checked in. The other two loved the pool so much they decided to stay for a while. I also suggested that they check out the Grand Floridian on their way back to Fort Wilderness. So they were happy.
This was our first meal at Kona and I was really looking forward to it after reading everyone's rave reviews (especially beth and PolyGirl40). I had even already decided what I was going to have! Crab cake appetizer and the mushroom ravioli entrée. While looking at the menu, I was tempted to change my mind, but I stuck to my decision and was happy I did! YUM!! DH got the pot sticker and the Asian pasta. Neither of us had room for dessert. The food and the service was excellent and we really enjoyed the quiet time alone in this hectic week. Like a mini-vacation during our vacation!

Lunch over, we shopped at the Poly for a while and then took the monorail to the MK and the boat directly back to FW. When we got back to the campsite our friends still weren't back from their pool hopping experience. Several adults were hanging around, some had gone to the FW pool. The scouts had completed their morning program, had lunch and were now into the afternoon session.

Finally our companions arrived and had such a story to tell! They had stayed a while at the Poly and then took the monorail to the GF, mainly to see the lobby. They were so impressed they decided to see their pool too. The GF's new pool had opened only 1-2 weeks before. Let me just say that our male companion is quite the businessman (very successful entrepreneur) and make friends everywhere he goes. He struck up a conversation at the pool bar with what turned out to be the head of the GF concierge services. Got his business card and everything. He told him all about our group, the programs, my planning, etc. He also explained how we were going to be doing the Magic Kingdom flag retreat in Town Square on Friday. The concierge gave him 5 pairs of white gloves for the boys to wear in the ceremony!! How cool was that?? I think they spent about one hour there having lunch and co-schmoozing. What a great time they had!
The scouts came back around 4:30 and relaxed in the pool and on the volleyball court.

We had 6:30 reservations at Mickey's BBQ in FW. We arrived as a group and they had 2 big tables set aside for us. This dinner takes place outdoors, but under a HUGE covered pavilion. You could land a jet in there! There's a big stage where a live band plays country music and does a lot of "yee-haw-ing" and several lines of buffet service on the opposite side of the room. In between are rows and rows of long tables and a big dance floor. The food is standard BBQ- chicken, ribs, hot dogs, beans, salads, corn bread, corn on the cob, etc. It's all you can eat and very good. There are several lemonade and iced tea stations. I believe they also have sodas,beer and wine but I didn’t see where that was. There are servers who come around with more drinks and to make sure everyone is finding what they want. They also wheel around these huge trash bins for empty plates, etc. After about one hour, they replace 2 of the hot food lines with dessert- cake and watermelon. But they leave some hot food out until 8:30. So you can take your time and eat as much as you like. During dinner, the band is playing. Then they bring out the characters (Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Chip and Dale .. and maybe Pluto, but I'm not sure). They dance and then line up for autographs and pictures. Very nicely done with lots of opportunity for everyone. I think they repeated this music/characters routine 2 or 3 times in the evening. The also taught line dancing and had everyone who wanted to participate out on the dance floor. It looked like fun, but was pretty crowded. For the little kids, they have some rope tossing games out on the perimeter. My youngest son (the one who got lost) and another little brother (age 10) of our group decided to "control" this game. The had all the little kids line up and take turns while they retrieved the rings and kept everyone in order! It was so cute. They were cheering the little 4 year olds on and giving them tips on how to improve their technique! The rest of our group really wasn't interested in anything more than the food. When they were done eating all they wanted to do was go back to the campsite and play volleyball! So I think we were out of there before 8:00. This BBQ lasts until 9:30. It was OK- but not something I think we'll ever do again.
Back at the campsite, the volleyball got under way very quickly. The adult men decided to challenge the kids. They all got together and made super-hero capes out of their beach towels, put their baseball caps on backwards and charged out onto the court. They had a rousing set. Best of 3 games won. Guess what??? The "old guys" won!!!

One of our scouts who was not playing, but watching had bought one of those message signs with the red lights that you twirl around (they sell them at Fantasmic, etc.) a couple of nights ago. You can put your own messages in there. He figured out how to do that VERY quickly and instantly had messages like "I need a date" and "I'm tired" spinning around. So tonight he had "Go old guys" spinning for the game. We had so much fun with that toy. Two more boys (including my youngest) bought them before the week was out.

The volleyball ended and it was time for a quick swim to cool off before bed. I think everyone was asleep by 11:00, but tomorrow was another early morning. 5:45am wakeup for another 7:15 Magic Kingdom program. The kids can't believe it's not even halfway through the week yet and they've already done so many things and had so much fun.

More good stuff ahead.

Linda aka: wendy*darling
Intercot Staff: Disney & Orlando Dining
[email protected]

DVC owners at the Wilderness Lodge Villas
4/92 (MK day trip only); 9/93 (Poly); 10/96 (DL & BC); 6/98 (YC); 2/00 (Contemporary); 12/00 (BWI); 6/01(FW tent camping with the Boy Scouts!!)
Next trip: ??? Can't be soon enough!)