my mom and dad and I go to disney world atleast once a year, but everytime i go i bring a friend, but this time... no one can go, its really boring with my parents most of the time because they do hardly any of the rides, and get tired quickly(their old). what is the best way i can have fun enjoying the resort by myself.

" TO the Youngsters of Today, I Say Believe In the Future..." Walt Disney

first trip: 4 years old, 1988(polynesian)
second trip: 10 years old, 1994(contempory)
third trip: 14 years old, 1998(dolphin)
fourth trip:14 years old, 1999(dolphin)
fifth trip: 15 years old, 2000(dolphin)
sixth trip: 16 years old, 2000(whyndham)
next trip: August 2001: 17 years old(Dolphin)