We just got our reservation for this coming weekend. We were scheduled for 8am on June 1st, but in talking to the castmember, I found out that time slot was at capacity, so we moved to the least busy time of 2pm! Looking forward to it.

The castmember was very chatty and has already been inside SWL a couple of times.

Some tidbits:

The blue milk is sweeter than the green milk - you can order a swirl.

In Oga's, the adult beverages do have an available souvenear mug that you can order and take home with you. we plan to get 1 of each and will be reviewing all of the drinks.

There is also going to be a beer sampler where you get taster size "teeth" with samples of different beers.

From in line for Smuggler's Run (on the inside) you can look out and see the millennium falcon from a new angle.

Smuggler's Run is a lot of fun, and it seems there are 2 feelings coming out about this ride. The non star wars fan seems to find having to "fly" the ship distracting from the story, where as the Star Wars "FAN" loves it and "flying the falcon" is hardly a distraction to this group.

It was really fun to talk to someone who was a huge star wars fan and a castmember. I could hear the excitement in his voice about it!