WARNING: I tend to write novels when a synopsis would do....

Final totals and a recap....

Cast of Characters: Me, myself and I -- 56 year old kid!!

Another solo trip in the books and there was good, bad and indifferent to report on.

The good: Weather was about as good as one could hope for. Highs in the mid-80's, lows in the mid 60's, sunny with light clouds and a nice breeze. I got fried early, but not bad enough to slow me down. I guess I woul dhave gotten a lot of looks because I tend to get bright red when I overdo the sun, but within a couple days brown up nicely. Crowd levels were moderate to light, making it easy to get around and drop in on stand-by lines of 30 minutes or less. It could just be my perception, but it didn't seem that there were that many ECVs and strollers about on this trip. I think there were only a few times that I had to wait to board a bus due to ECV and/or wheelchair loading, and I don't think there were ever 2 waiting at the same time. Meeting Katzateer was a definite plus on this trip and my great pleasure!!!! We shall have to do this again when you whole family is along!!!

One more good that I will give its own space to: Smokers! Yes, I am a bad man for saying this, but hear me out, if you will. Every time I took a "smoke break" in the parks or at the resort, I met and had conversations with some of the finest people I met on this trip. Actually, this seems to be the case on all my trips. Becasue we are 'outcasts' in the parks and resorts, we tend to gravitate to the same areas and meet multiple times on a visit. This gets conversations started and we get to be 'short term' friends. You get to talk with people in all hases of their trips, exchange tips and reviews, and just talk about anything and everything. I thank all the lovely people I met on these stops! You keep the magic going!

The bad: Well, I'm on vacation at WDW, so there really isn't anything "bad" about the trip! However, the shutdown of FEA when I was ready to board was an annoyance. My calf cramp was also an annoyance, but gave me a needed break and I was able to make up for the lost evening later in the trip. The MB not working on the room door was, again, an annoyance (and moreso because I was tired, hot and a bit cranky from my long first day) and I apologize to the CM at the front desk and anyone else I might have been less than magical to that evening.

The indifferent: OK, before I say this I want all to know that this is NOT a complaint!!!! It is becoming more and more the case that the language spoken at WDW in NOT "American" English. LOL At times I felt a little out of place with the conversations going on around me.

The room: I actually liked the redesign of the room at Pop. I know a lot of people will disagree, but for a solo of a couple it works out nicely. The queen bed was comfortable and big enough for me to stretch out. The Mickey design above the headboard was a nice touch. (No, he is NOT looking at you while you sleep!!) The laminate floor was a classy touch, making it seem more upscale even though it is a Value resort. Did not break down the table to lower the Murphy Bed, but it looks to be another queen and because of the styling gives more room to move when not in use. The showers with sliding glass doors, rather than shower curtains, is a nce upgrade, but the rainfall shower head and hand held accessory were marvelous to use. Sliding doors on both the shower/tiolet area AND sink area added the little bit more privacy to the room that the Values seemed to lack before.

So, whether you liked my reports, hated them, or just took it all with a grain of salt, there it is...My post visit report for this trip.

Thank you, Denise Keeler of Magical Journeys, for getting me into the room at Pop. I would have been OK with All-Stars Music, but the upgrade to the preferred room at Pop was a bonus on this trip. You are the best!!

Thanks to all who took the time, and had the patience, to read this. It is my pleasure to reminisce and report and keep the magic alive!

For those who just skipped to the end.... Just kidding! Hope you enjoyed this as well!