I finally rode this yesterday. I only waited 25 min (at 4pm on a Saturday in summer...YAY for that!)

I'm going to go on record and say I was not impressed. Not a worthy ToT replacement at all. It was disjointed, cheesy, and insanely LOUD. The storyline was weak and not explained well. The music during the ride was SO loud and coupled with the screaming from guests (to be expected), it was impossible to make out what was being said. The cut scenes between drop sequences just made me feel like I was at Best Buy watching clips on a giant, cheap LED TV with a too fast frame rate (had that weird, unnatural movement). It felt like an obvious screen, unlike some screens that give the impression that you are watching something happen in front of you (like Soarin).

The drops were more frequent and more yo-yo like. It was fun, but they could have simply changed ToT to that sequence and left the themeing as is.

Did I mention how loud it was? Because it was. LOUD. Like, front row of a concert loud. My ears were ringing at the end.

I also found the song bizarre. I got Born to be Wild. Um...okay...

All in all, this does NOT make me change my mind about shoehorning GoG into WDW at Epcot. I continue to hope that is a bad rumor.

I wanted to like this ride because I love ToT. Sadly, I honestly have no desire to ride this one again.