So... my dad finds himself alone after 64 years of marriage. He lives in Alabama and I live in Texas, so it is hard for me to get to him all the time

I want to start sending him things in the mail to brighten his days up, but I am having a really hard time trying to come up with things

I have sent cookies, and he really does not eat them.. (he will eat a few and the rest end up being very stale)

He loves Key Lime Pie, so I thought I'd send him one of those, but one pie ends up being almost $90..

He is very limited on where he can go, so sending him gift cards to go eat ended up being a waste..

He hates going to the movies, but I did get him a Netflix account so he can watch Netflix shows/movies now.

He gets up - and either watches TV all day or surfs the web or works on some genealogy - my sister makes dinner for him almost daily so he will go over to her house to eat - so I know he is getting at least one good meal a day.

He has been on his own for a little over 5 weeks now, and although I call him twice a day, what else can I do to give him some inexpensive surprises during the day?

Any ideas?