My two middle children have birthdays only 6 days apart, so since they're still too young to care (4 and 2), we only have one party for both. So far, all of the birthday parties that my kids have had, have been Disney themed. They definitely got my Disney gene. However, I'm wracking my brain trying to figure out the next one. My son (turning 3) adores fish and fishing, and Mickey... But we did Mickey last year. My daughter (turning 5) loves all things princess or fairy. We did Pirates and Pixies last year, so that's out.
I just can't seem to fit the two together. I've thought about an "under the sea" theme, but fishing poles and the Little Mermaid seem a little sadistic to me.
I'm looking for ideas on ways to turn fishing into a Disney theme that I can tie in to princesses, or anything girly would be great (she's easy to please). Thanks!