Just curious to hear everyone's recaps / thoughts / experiences from the 2016 Disney marathon weekend!

I finished my 6th consecutive Goofy Challenge in the handcycle division and had two friends come down and stay with me who also did the Goofy as runners for their first time. While it wasn't their first marathon, neither had been able to train much so I was a little worried about them. One employed the run-walk method and finished both races in decent times, the other walked nearly the entirety of both races and struggled but finished. I don't think they'd be signing up immediately for 2017 but at least one was already talking about doing it again in 2018 so that'd be great.

Characters / entertainment seemed about similar to last year as far as the number of them out and spaced along the course. There were a few extra segments added to account for the lack of speedway this year. I enjoyed riding along the speedway so I missed that but the extra segments through the MK and then a U-turn loop before Animal Kingdom weren't bad. I had to ride the first day with an older handcycle because I broke a shifter on my primary one the day before the races but the bike shop was able to get it fixed on Saturday and I was back out with my good handcycle for Sunday.

Overall another great weekend and experience and I'm sure I'll be signing up for 2017 as soon as registration opens this spring!