Hi, all

Well our 2 week vacation is less than 14 weeks away and we are looking forward to it with much anticipation.

We are staying at Saratoga Springs again in a 2 bed villa, and have dining reservations in place and have our tickets for MNSSHP.

My only disappointment (and its a big one) is that Pirates will be down for refurbishment at MK. I completely understand that these need to be done, but our trip starts Sept 7th and ends Sept 21st, and I see the "planned" re-opening is scheduled for Sept 25th.

My DD's partner is coming with us for for his first visit and is a huge Pirates of the Caribbean fan as are all five of us.
My question is - Does anyone know if the completion dates listed ever come forward and re-open earlier than planned? Or do we have to accept that we will miss one of our favorites this time around.

Many thanks