I would love to hear what everyone does to help them de-stress. I am currently up to my eyeballs in stress. DH is still job hunting after being laid off (it's only been a little over a month, but feels like an eternity). And, I've ended up becoming a huge, public advocate for the teachers in our school district. They're working without a contract and the board members are making horrible decisions. One of which resulted in a horror show of a school board meeting where one of our teachers was publicly humiliated by having private info presented! I have been speaking out at meetings, organizing people - all things that are WAY outside my comfort zone.

Anyway, I try to work on family photo projects and look at our vacation pictures to take me to a happy place. I'm also trying to stretch, do yoga and get some cardio in most days. What I want to do is hide and shovel cake into my face. What do you guys do to de-stress?