It’s hard to believe that Magical Journeys is celebrating its 15th anniversary on April 1, 2015 …time flies when you are having fun!

Over the past 15 years, we have seen and experienced so many changes with Disney, with the world, with us, that it is almost too overwhelming to list them all. Social Media was a baby and Internet Chat rooms were the way of the world. In 2000, the Century was just starting… My Disney Experience, Magic Express, Fastpass+, and Magic Bands were not even a twinkle in Disney's eyes, and Magical Journeys had a total of two agents, Nanci and Jean. WOW!!!!! To paraphrase…we’ve come a long way baby!

Magical Journeys core premise has always been that we are a family…. our clients and our agents. We know you and you know us. We have watched our tiniest clients grow up and our older clients become grandparents. You have seen us raising our kids, moving to other states, and growing as an agency. And from the start, we have done all of this by communicating... emails, phone calls, now Facebook, and in the beginning, a chat room where people came to socialize, share recipes, ask questions, tell bad jokes, to find a friend who would listen when things were not going well!

In 2015 we are going back to our roots. We have listened and we have heard…people want more than a tweet or a Facebook post, they want that sense of community! You want a place to hang out for 20 minutes or 3 hours talking about an upcoming vacation, looking at colleges with your kid, new recipes for the holidays, or the latest book you have read.

So for our 15th anniversary, we are bringing back that playground…the Internet Chat room. We will be there and we hope you will as well. Tonight (2/10/14) at 9pm eastern drop in…check us out…have a cup of coffee or a “beverage” with us!

The Magical Journeys Team