Ok, never thought it would come to this but the DW - fearless leader, uber WDW lover, and master planner of our yearly pilgrimages to the World (north of a dozen trips by now) - has apparently soured on the Mouse! One of the main issues is the new and improved and altered and tweaked FP system. In past years we had this down to a science and worked those little booths to perfection, almost always getting to see/do what we wanted regardless of crowds, time of day - and all was good. The new system with its restrictions and limitations....not so much. On our last trip we definitely missed some ride opportunities that were never an issue on prior trips. Add in the usual $$$$, crowds, occasional rude guest and it was not one of our better visits.

So please, give me some hints, tips, suggestions on how to get DW back to her 'Happy Place' mentality!! We have a potential trip to Hawaii in Summer '16 so looking to squeeze something in before then. Otherwise the Mouse won't be seeing us for quite awhile! Thanx....