Ok so, I was telling some friends about my last trip and how much fun it was etc. etc. and one of them who is also a AP holder said "did you ride seven dwarfs?" and I said " no there were no fast passes for the whole weekend" to her response " see that's why I grab up fast passes even if I’m NOT going a certain weekend. JUST IN CASE WE DECIDE TO GO" I think she could tell by my face I wasn’t happy to hear that. I mean REALLY your grabbing fast passes to rides and you aren't even going to be there!! I did say something about it in conversation how I thought it was wrong to do that. Only to hear "well you never know we MIGHT decide to go last minute and I wouldn't want to wait in line" OK here is the thing I get it that the passes run out fast duh!! Because of people like this... Now that being said what can be done about it?? I thought maybe they should only allow you to get certain fast passes at the kiosk in the park (for the very popular rides) this is so not fair to the people who are paying to be there and have to miss out or wait a heck of a long time to ride. Or since they know how many fast passes were given out for each ride maybe after the time window is gone release more fast passes. I do know people do this for the resorts book and then cancel, but that to me is different given the amount of rooms they have. I just hate when they say everything is booked, but it’s really not (another subject) anyway I wonder if they will ever try to get a grip on this. I just think once the word gets around (if it hasn’t already) everyone will try and do this. And we will have the whole DAC all over again people abusing the system..