I had a couple of things happen to me that were absolutely firsts on this last trip. Thought I'd pass them along on the off chance it may help someone else.

Wardrobe malfunction #1: At the end of last summer I bought a red cotton dress with an African print on it from a farmer's market. Brought it with us on this past WDW trip, hadn't even worn it yet. We're in AK (perfect park to wear it to I thought) and we get on Kali River Rapids. Needless to say, I got soaked. No big deal. It was a hot day, it felt good. We get off the ride and DH looks over at me and does a double take. The red dye was coming off the fabric and running down my arms and legs!! I went into the bathroom to at least wash my hands and the color was NOT coming off! I told DH that I'd have to go back to the room to shower. He and DD13 still had a FP coming up for EE and I could see the panic in his eyes. He said, "Don't worry, you'll dry!" Well, yes, I'll dry, but I won't stop being pink. Thankfully, DD9 was willing to come back with me for the promise of a swim in the Big Blue Pool. I cannot even describe the looks I got as I walked out of the park, looking like a crime scene. The moral of the story is, do not get on water rides unless you're wearing colorfast clothing. Chances are, I was probably told to wash it before wearing it and forgot.

Wardrobe malfunction #2: Less dramatic, but much higher potential humiliation level. I was going to buy a new bathing suit before we left, but ran out of time and decided to make do with the old one. It's a few years old, I've lost a little weight since I bought it, so the bottoms were a little loose. DO NOT get in the wave pool at TL with loose bottoms!! I now know what it's like to try to keep my bottoms on while trying not to drown under one of those monster waves - twice. I walked straight to the gift shop there and bought a one piece. Not a purchase I'd planned to make, but at least it has a Mickey on it.

And one useful tip for ladies who like to wear hats but worry about hat hair. Slip a thin plastic headband on under your hat, then when you take your hat off it will look like your hair is supposed to be smushed down.