I just have to get it out... and who else would understand besides my fellow disney addicts.

I had everything ready. Credit card info up to date, logged on to My Disney Experience, at the computer at 5:30am.... we all know the situation here!

But as the clock ticked past 6:00am all I kept getting were error messages after error messages. "OOPS. try back again later." UGH. After logging in, logging out, refreshing, trying my other web browser, posting here on the dining forums, then going back to the site... I was finally able to get into the reservations. Only to find out that during our upcoming 7-day trip BOG is completely booked except for one late night ressie on the day I run the ToT 10-miler, and a few late night ressies on our second to last day (which we are spending at HS), and our last day (which even with an 8:30pm flight I still don't see us eating a 4:00pm dinner with enough time to get back to the hotel for magical express)!!

I know it's not a big deal.... I mean I am going to Disney! But I just can't help feeling disappointed. I'm pretty sure this is going to be our last trip for a few years.... and I just hoped we would get a reservation. But it just wasn't my morning I guess.

So there it is.... my morning whine... hahahaha I didn't know who else to share it with.... I knew you guys would understand!