So... this is the name my husband came up with for our Disney antics on our most recent trip to Florida, and it has made so many people laugh out loud that I just had to share it here.

We were in Florida over Winter Break in February to visit friends, and had our first "non Disney" trip. We stayed near Tampa for a few nights, and spent the rest of the week at my MiL's condo near Celebration. The number one intent of the trip was to see friends and visit my DH's mom, enjoy getting to the Gulf Coast, which no one but me has ever had the pleasure of doing... with the second intent being to begin researching the area for a future move down. (Woot!! )

But when you are staying SO close to Disney that almost every trip out onto the road has you passing Disney signs, it gets a bit tough to take!! We knew this would be the case even before we arrived, so we had some ideas of mini Disney trips we wanted to do, just to get our "fix".

We went over to AKL to see the animals out on Arusha Rock & get Zebra Domes, and just sat in the lobby soaking up the sights and smells of "home". While getting the Zebra Domes in Mara, we found Mickey Bars (que singing of the Hallelujah Chorus... ) and so we took them out to the pool and soaked up a bit of sun at the pool bar, and got drinks. (Coronas for us, smoothies for the girls) It felt WONDERFUL.

We took my MiL to the Poly to see Wishes on the beach, and then introduced her to Lapu Lapus at Tambu Lounge.

And last but not least?? We went to DTD on our last day, let the girls (okay, and my DH and I ) shop at WoD, got margaritas on the "boardwalk" and had dinner at HoB, followed by a stroll amongst the shops listening to Disney music and ice cream at Ghirarhdelli's.

After our first jaunt over to Disney, my DH said we'd just been "dumpster diving" for the 1st time... and it quickly morphed into "upscale dumpster diving" for any future trips we make that are not Disney oriented. (Which will probably be many, as we're looking to move down, and need to save our pennies. )

So... feel free to borrow the term next time you need a fix!!