Hi all!

We have finally booked our first adult only trip, and will be going to stay in POFQ for 10 nights in March. As there are only the two of us, we're not going to be on the DDP, and won't be booking many meals. In fact- only 2! We've agreed on Ohana for our last night, as we loved it so much last trip, and will pick one signature for our first full day there. The rest of the time we're planning on using quick service, dining off-site as we have a car, and if we are able to, see which Table Services are available that day- we have no 'must do's' on this trip as no children. This goes against all my instincts, as I normally plan every day and every meal, but I have been asked to just go with the flow this time!

Anyway, if you could only dine in one signature what would it be? We'd like somewhere quite romantic, and obviously with decent food. I haven't eaten in any signatures yet, and we're willing to try anywhere!