So due to a string of unfortunate circumstances (injuries, timing, etc) I was not able to run a prof of time race prior to the Nov 1 deadline for the marathon. I am now stuck in the last corral. A few things - 1.) this will be my first big race, having done nothing more than local 5ks, etc. 2.) I am confident that I will pace at about 4:00-4:15 but have heard and read nightmares about being stuck in the last corral. 3.) staying off-property (I know, I know)
I just want to know what to expect - so give it to me straight and any accompanying tips to make my experience less miserable on a day that I have been looking forward to for, literally, years.
I like to know what to expect and will plan for the worst, but hope for the best. Thanks in advance for any and all responses!