There are many news articles (I'm not linking or copying/pasting because I think it's against the rules) about 12 riders being stuck on Rip Ride Rockit for almost 3 hours last night ... stuck at the TOP of the highest part of the launch

I love that ride, but every time I ride it and we are at that point of going straight up in the air and you feel like your body has left the seat and is only held in place by the overhead bar ... I have to admit it always crosses my mind "what if" we were stuck. So scary.

They had to call Orlando Fire to rescue them. It seems like the ride should have some type of manual override where you could safely move the coaster cars backwards or forwards.

Anyway, I'm so thankful that no one appears to have been injured, but WOW ... I may think twice before riding that ride again (although, that is a shame because it really is one of the smoothest coasters I've ever ridden and it is SO MUCH FUN).