Not sure if this is the proper place for this post. I've been gone from the boards for about a year, but just last week I realized how much I missed everyone. So, I just starting catching up on the podcasts (LOVE THEM!). I had left off about two podcasts before the 15 Year gathering when my absence from the boards began. I was devastated last year that I couldn't go, and now having listened to the live podcast from the event, I am reliving that devastation. How I wish I could have met all of you that I have come to "know" in the years I've been a member here. Had work scheduled my Tampa presentations before my Miami presentations, I would have been there. But! I vow that I will make it to the 20 year!! Just wanted to say how much I love these boards and now that I'm back, I ain't ever leaving again! You are all fabulous!!!

Oh, and WOO WOO to the "Retweet" contest!!!

There's no place like Intercot....There's no place like Intercot....There's no place like Intercot....